July 13, 2012

The art of time suckage is contagious

I have always been early. Overly early. I would much rather arrive well in advance and end up waiting for someone, than be making a mad dash to be on time or running late. And for the most part I realize that I am one of few people built this way and so it doesn't bother me when someone else is a bit tardy. Life is busy right? The public transit is tricky. A neighbour stops to chat. And forgetting something can force a quick run back home. I get it.

But in business I find myself getting more and more agitated at the lack of respect for the function of time. And not because I find myself waiting. But because I now find myself pushing meetings (3, 4 times), rescheduling tasks, adjusting timelines, and making excuses because the :00 and :30 that signify a meeting start/end have seemingly no value to many other people.



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